Friday, June 8, 2007

Murder Princess

Number of episodes : 6
Status : Ongoing (5/6)
1 - Birth (Download)
2 - Coronation (Download)
3 - Return (Download)
4 - Exile (Download)
5 - Destiny (Download)
6 -

Opening theme: Hikari Sasuhou by Back-on (Download)
Closing theme: Naked Flower by Romi Paku (Download)

The story:

Farith is a bounty hunter with exceptional swordmanship. Princess Alita is the only surviving member of the Forland royal family during the coup d'etat led by Professor Akamashi and his minions. A twist of fate united them, and in the process, their souls swapped places.

Princess Alita, who is now in Farith's body, asked Farith to help defeat the usurper Akamashi, and protect the country until the return of her brother. In return, Farith can have her body (literally) and identity. Farith agrees, and thus heralds the birth of the world's strongest princess, whose cruelty grants her the name "Murder Princess".

The characters:

Farith (later Alita):
A bounty hunter whos swordmanship is unparalleled by others. Very cruel in personality, and I even mistook her as a boy. She's accompanied by Dominikov and Pete. She's currently in Alita's body, vice versa. Reminds me of Demon Eye Kyo (Samurai Deeper Kyo). She can be quite stubborn at times, and the first episode shows a panicky Farith in Alita's body.

Princess Alita (later Milano):
Survivor of Akamashi's coup d'etat. She was sent away so that she wouldn't be a victim of Akamashi. During her run, she and her escorts encountered Chitabagu, the Guardian of Erure Forest. Her escorts were not so lucky, and Alita had to run for her life. She then encountered Farith, and just as Farith prepares to face Chitabagu, she lunged at Farith out of fear, and both of them fell from the cliff they were standing on. It was during the fall that her soul and Farith's swapped places. Later on, she took the name Milano, her late maid who died on her place during the coup d'etat.

The late King's advisor, and Milano's grandfather. He doesn't seem to like the idea of Farith being the princess, but he's not really against it.

Dominikov & Pete:
Farith's comrades. Dominikov wields a scythe that can transform into a motorbike with fiery wheels (Ghost Rider?), and Pete looks like Frankenstein.

Alita's maid. She died as a substitute for Alita. Upon learning about her death, Alita took Milano's name and role, serving Farith as her maid. Milano seems to have a very close relationship with Alita.

Prince Kaito:
Alita's brother. He went for a peace talk to a neighboring country, and went missing. He makes his appearance in episode 3, saving Alita (Farith) and Milano (Alita) from Akamashi. But is that really Kaito?

Professor Akamashi:
The man behind the coup d'etat that killed the king of Forland. His target is Princess alita. How he got the technology from the old world is a mystery, though Jodo seems to know how. He's accompanied by his robot dolls, Anna and Yuna. Farith and her gang calls him "onion head".

I would say that I enjoyed this series. Some blood here, some comedy there, shoujo-ai around; nice one. Farith seems to have a dark past, and I'm not surprised, considering the fact she's a girl with one hell of a sword-fighting skill. Her rough demeanor is what makes Jodo a bit hesitant to accept her. I hope that he past would be revealed later, and I kinda anticipate the development of Farith-Milano relationship. Episode 3 hints that Milano does have a feeling towards Farith, although we have no idea to what extend.

I knew it! There's more to Kaito than meets the eye! And maybe Professor Akamashi, too. And what's the relationship of Seishiro and Farith? What is the secret behind her "magic"?

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