Sunday, July 1, 2007

Elp, elp... Asking for help.

Radical Scope aka Yuumura Setsuna aka Nor Ismat here. Still jobless, pathetically. I did get a job interview offer, but looks like I'd have to decline it. Money problem. The interview is at KL after all. Chaged my work preference to JB, considering the travelling cost would be greatly reduced that way. Still looking for an opportunity in writing and journalism, though. I like doing that. Writing and reading. Though lately I haven't been doing that *swt*.

Recently, I feel like something troublesome is going to happen in my family. You see, both sides of my family are kinda problematic. I don;t know where to start... Maybe with my dad :p. But hey, it's not my problem. So why bother. After all I could use some entertainment and some ideas to write about. Maybe I could write a novel based on my family's problem lol XD.

To be honest, I don't feel comfortable being around my family. Weird, isn't it? Maybe it's because I;ve spent so much time AWAY from them, being in close proximity is kinda weird for me. And then, there's the difference of views, philosophy, belief (not religious belief. I'm still a legitimate Muslim), etc,. And I still don;t have a job that can afford me being away from them. Haih...

Well, maybe I could turn to you guys to help me out. There's several ways that you could help me out. One is by donations; if you have a space change that you won't miss, you could donate some for me. Every cents are appreciated. Second is by recommending me to people who could help me develop my writing skills and journalism experience. An in-job training would be very neat ^_^. Or third, buy buying some books or CDs/DVDs from through the links available in my blogs. I have several blogs; Radical's Insight, Inori no Uta, Read and be Read, Yuri no Niwa, and Mama's Cookbook. Some of them are still in progress, but no worries, they will be fully launched in a week or two. I will have some links to, according to the topics of the respective blogs. All you have to do, is buy something.

So what am I going to do with the money, given that there are people who donated? I will use it to secure a private server, a digital camera, and other facilities that could help me further my journalism career. And also to finance any courses that are necessary for my writing skill. I am still green, after all.

Whether you want to help me or not, that's ultimately depends on your choice. And let me thank you guys upfront for helping me out; THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH.

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